Aries-Aries Compatibility


Aries-Aries Compatibility

Representing the infant, this first sign of the Zodiac has under it, people who are born intrepid fighters. Privacy is of utmost importance to Arians and they always try to protect their identity. Charged up with energy Aries people stimulate their tasks by their inner power. People born under Aries are extrovert and straightforward in their personal relationships. Being prone to hurt others, Arians are also not slow in forgetting and forgiving. Arians make fastidious and passionate lovers.

Compatibility of Aries Man and Aries Woman

Arians display characteristics of independence and have aversion to domination and control. They are sensible. Urge to dominate on the part of both the individuals may act as a hindrance. Their egos will prevent them from taking criticism in a positive manner. They have to work together to ensure harmony. The compatibility of a relationship between two Aries individuals depends on how well they accept and respect each other’s freedom.